Do you get the nervous when you’re about to ask for the Sale?
If so, this will help!
MORE than a few people in last weeks Masterclass said they feel the nervous – as they don’t know what their prospective client is thinking about their offer.
Which leaves them feeling shaky about asking for the sale.
This “shakiness” can upset delivery and lose the sale.
What you want to do instead, is ask a couple of questions – that will help you to gauge EXACTLY we’re your potential buyer is at – so you feel confident!
Here’s the basic recipe:
Ask GREAT questions.
Listen closely.
Make ONE
BRILLIANT suggestion, that shows your understanding and expertise.
Say I think I have a solution for you – would you like to hear about it?
When they’ve said YES
Outline your offer.
Then simply ask these 2 questions:
- How does the investment sound to you?
- And what about the time commitment? (insert the thing you most get objections about).
If they say er… yeah – that’s fine…
You can say “I’m hearing a yeah but.. help me understand any hesitations? 🙂
Then – hear them out as their trusted advisor – and give them whatever information they need to make a confident decision.
Then you say – does that answer your question?
They say “YES”.
Then you ask – would you like to go ahead?
These questions put YOU in the driver’s seat. And lead to more certainty, confidence and sales!